Safety @ The Vaux
To prevent fires . . .
Be careful not to leave your stove unattended while cooking.
Be careful not to leave your fireplace burning when you leave your unit.
If you smell gas, and shutting off an unlit stove burner doesn't fix the problem, do not operate electrical switches or telephones. Exit your unit and use your mobile phone or a neighbor's phone to call the gas company —
NW NATURAL — 1 800 882 3377
To prepare for a fire . . .
Know where fire alarms and fire extinguishers are located near your unit.
Consider buying a fire extinguisher, just in case.
In the event of a fire . . .
If the fire is inside your unit, be sure to close your door as you exit!
Do not attempt to use the elevators!
Use the stairwells to descend to the 1st floor and exit the building.
Do not re-enter until firemen signal their okay.
Do not use any propane-fueled grill on your deck, and don't use any grill near Vaux cladding.
The Vaux is a gated community for a reason. Portland is reasonably safe, but it is a city, and it contains the full spectrum of human activity — some of it illegal, some of it potentially dangerous . . .
Do not allow anyone unknown to you to enter The Vaux by following you into the lobbies, courtyard, or garage.
For more on security at The Vaux, look here ...
Driving habits here in Northwest Portland are civilized for the most part, but be cautious — residents of The Vaux have been hit by cars while crossing nearby streets . . .
Drivers find pedestrians hard to see — especially near crowded corners, at corners without crosswalks, anytime in the rain, and at night.
Drivers may not see all stop signs, which occur irregularly in our neighborhood anyway, and are sometimes obscured by foliage.
Don't assume drivers are familiar with our area — they may be commuting, they may live far away, and they may be in a hurry to get wherever they're going.
Cross streets only at intersections — in marked crosswalks if possible.
Try to make eye contact with car drivers if you're not sure they see you.
Wear bright clothes if possible.
Wear reflective patches if possible — many jackets, gloves, and shoes have built-in reflectors.
Be especially cautious in gloomy weather, at twilight, and at night.
Consider carrying a flashlight when visibility is poor.
Cars parked overnight on streets near The Vaux are not parked safely. Multiple break-in incidents have been reported . . .
Park in our garage whenever possible.
If you must park outside, do not leave valuables exposed in your car's interior.
If you must transfer valuables from your car's interior to the trunk, do not do so in sight of anyone near your chosen spot. Better to make the transfer somewhere else, and then drive to your final location.