Neighborhood Organizations
Local resources, mostly nonprofit, organized to help cope with life in the city ...
Friendly House, Inc.
private nonprofit neighborhood center
1737 NW 26th Avenue
Portland OR 97210
503 228 4391
Neighbors West-Northwest
neighborhood livability activist group
2257 NW Raleigh Street
Portland OR 97210
503 823 4288
a private social network all about neighborhood life
Northwest District Association
neighborhood development advisors to Portland planners
2257 NW Raleigh Street
Portland OR 97210
503 823 4288
Office of Neighborhood Involvement (ONI)
connects citizens to city government
1221 SW 4th Avenue, Room 110
Portland OR 97204
503 823 4519
Portland Online
encyclopedic information about Portland
1221 SW 4th Avenue, Room 110
Portland OR 97204
503 823 4000
Energy Trust of Oregon
providing incentives to conserve energy
421 SW Oak Street, Suite 300
Portland OR 97204
1 866 368 7878
• click here for a free energy saver kit